Rumbu Industries, Kano, Nigeria
Industry / Application | Industrial |
Plant type | Solar-hybrid |
Total capacity | 73 kWp |
Location | Kano, Nigeria |
Contracted | 2016 |
Deployed | May 2017 |
Rumbu Industries Ltd is one of the world’s largest companies producing plastic mats, exporting them to West Africa and beyond. Based in Kano, Northern Nigeria they have over 500 employees and operate 24/7 with average daily power needs of over 500 kW. The poor grid supply in the Kano region has forced Rumbu Industries Ltd to use diesel generators. Power reliability is particularly key for this industry as their machinery quickly gets clogged during black outs. Diesel is expensive and immediately impacts profitability.
Rumbu Chairman, Alhaji Ibrahim Salisu Buhari, applied the same innovative mindset to his energy problems that he applies to his factory solutions and decided the Enerwhere’s solar hybrid solution was the best answer. The first stage of this project is a 73 kWp solar rooftop installation completed in May 2017. The system works in parallel with the utility grid and diesel generators. The operation of the back-up generators is not effected. The only difference is a reduction in grid and diesel bills. The success of this project is evidenced by the development of a phase 2 expansion of Enerwhere’s solar solution for Rumbu.
Mr. Sani Saleh, Executive Director at Rumbu Industries,
“Enerwhere held their promises and delivered the project end-to-end with professionalism. With their remote monitoring system, they keep track of our production and ensure maximum performance”
Ibrahim Buhari, Chairman of Rumbu Industries
“Enerwhere were the most economical energy solution available to us and the system will pay for itself in under 4 years, after which the energy is free”